Add Text and Images to your Vehicle Photos Using AutoRevolution’s Photo Caption Tool

Help your vehicle photos stand out in a crowd. AutoRevolution’s Photo Caption Tool lets you add text and images to your uploaded vehicle photos.

Captions Offer a Touch of Customization to Your Photos

Adding captions to your photos can help provide context to your images that goes above and beyond what a photo can do by itself. Using our Photo Caption Tool, you can provide commentary, point out special amenities and value-added features, and "narrate" your images as a prospect scrolls through a vehicle's images.

You can also drag and drop pre-loaded images onto your photos. Advertise your Carfax, vehicles with warranties, special savings and deals, and generally spruce up your images, giving them an edge over standard vehicle photos like the ones seen everywhere else. Your captions will stick to your photos on your website and in all exports to 3rd party sites.

Image caption tool sample 1 shows comments.
Image caption tool sample 2 shows pricing.
Image caption tool sample 3 shows Carfax badging.

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