Tutorials - Using The Captionator Tool

The Captionator Can Be A Powerful Tool In The Advertising Process, Here’s How To Make The Most Out Of Using It.

The Captionator can be a powerful tool in the advertising process, here's how to make the most out of using it.

  1. From the inventory manager home screen, click the dropdown menu in the top left of the screen labelled Return To. Select Manage Inventory.
  2. Find the vehicle you'd like to add a caption to, then select Edit (3rd dot from the left.)
  3. From the Edit Inventory Form, select Save Changes >> Manage Images You'll be brought to a screen showing all the images you've uploaded for this vehicle. Find the photo you'd like to add a caption to and select the "Speech Bubble" icon next to that photo.
  4. This is the Captionator. You can add text, color blocks, and pre-loaded images to any of your images. If you'd like a custom image like your logo or sale icon, let us know and we can add it for you.
    • You can resize your image by clicking and dragging the bottom right corner, holding shift will change the size of the object without losing the proportions. The X in the top left will delete the object.
    • Keep an eye on the layer number for each element you add. This determines which elements go on top of which. Higher numbered layers will stack on top of lower numbered layers.
    • You can request a custom image at any time and we'll create and upload it to your captionator for future use.
  5. Once you're happy with the result select the Preview tab. You can choose to apply your design to the image you selected, or you can apply it to all the images associated with the vehicle you're editing.
  6. Click Apply Overlay and Captions, then confirm you want to publish. You'll be sent back to the inventory list page. Captions will update on the site immediatly, and be sent out in the next export to all third-party sites.
    • Be sure not to republish the image overlay if you have one, it will overwrite any captions you've created.


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